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Driving Influence, Powering Advocacy

Dina Ellis Rochkind has worked on Capitol Hill, and the Executive Branch for over two decades. She has served as lead Senate staffer for JOBS Act Senate. She held key roles being the Washington Director for Rep. Mike Coffman; Staff Director & Sr. Financial Services Counsel Senate Subcommittee on Financial Institutions & Consumer Protection under Sen. Pat Toomey; and Senior Counsel House Financial Services Committee focusing on financial issues. She took part in creating policy at Treasury Department during President George W Bush’s time by serving as Deputy Assistant Secretary responsible for domestic finance. Notable laws were drafted with her involvement are: 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act; FACTA, Gramm Leach Bliley Act, additionally contributing through different capacities like Director Federal Government Affairs Chrysler or VP Federal Government Affairs Quicken Loans where among other things led efforts related to Fannie Mae Freddie Mac reform legislative strategy development.

Dina’s Career Highlights

• Serving as counsel to the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee.
• Joining the administration of President George W. Bush as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Consumer Affairs and Community Policy at the U.S. Treasury Department.
• Leading legislative advocacy and crisis management efforts in the private sector, including at Chrysler and Quicken Loans.
• Playing a key role in drafting and overseeing the implementation of major legislation, such as the Dodd-Frank Act and the JOBS Act.
• Helping NFT Bridges and Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC) as an Advisor.
• Advisory Board member to a number of industries; Wall Street Blockchain Alliance, BlockQuake, Earnity, CryptoProof and StandardDAO.

Financial Innovation’s Pathfinder

Dina has been an expert and a leading authority in fintech and blockchain. Over the years, she has cultivated a deep understanding of the intricate mechanics behind emerging technologies, positioning herself as a trusted guide and advisor to private equity firms, and institutional investors alike.
Dina's strategic foresight and keen analytical skills have helped her clients navigate the complexities of modern finance with confidence and clarity. Whether deciphering the implications of blockchain technology on global supply chains or demystifying the intricacies of decentralized finance protocols, Dina is unparalleled in her ability to distill complex concepts into actionable insights.

U.S Government Affairs
Dina Ellis Rochkind

Dina Ellis Rochkind

U.S Government Affairs

Government Policy & Regulation Expert in Emerging Technologies, Senate, Capitol Hill

Bridging Divides and Driving Results

Dina's adeptness in handling high-stakes situations has earned her accolades and positioned her as a go-to expert in times of crisis. In a field where agility and effectiveness are paramount, Dina Rochkind stands out as a strategic advisor who gets things done. Her dynamic expertise and proven track record make her an invaluable asset to clients seeking to navigate the complexities of today's financial landscape with confidence and clarity.

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